It is subjected to the laws of cause and effect.

6 min readDec 15, 2020


The Gen Zers ditch, the Millennials ditch, the far-left ditches, the far-right ditches, and what remains? A boring, bloated middle. Near-nil cutting-edge content creators. The user base will be a bunch of non-political sixty-somethings who like cat pictures and dancing dog videos, plus a few trolls with too much time on their clammy hands.

React code is ugly. I’m not talking about any technical trait of the framework; I’m talking straightforward aesthetics, how the code looks on my screen, and the feelings it evokes.

Keep acquiring real innovators like Instagram and WhatsApp (ie TikTok). This will certainly work in the short-term… until a barrage of anti-monopoly lawsuits breaks them all up again.
What we name things matters. Sticker sheets, style guides, pattern libraries, and design systems all have their uses in an organization’s journey towards high UX maturity. It’s important to recognize where you, your team, and your business are at so that you can take the approach that’s right for you.

In addition to the far-right abandoning Facebook for their own echo chamber, expect to see the far-left do the same. After all, is it really woke to demand income equality while using a platform that enriches a 36-year-old with a net worth north of $100 billion?

I look ahead, I look behind, I look to the left, and I look to the right and what do I see. A lot of pain and suffering. In their faces and demeanor. I see struggle, fear and anxiety. I see tension. I see those who are suffering from mental illness and addictions. I see all those people who must endure physical pain. I see the poor and neglected, the deaf, the blind and the crippled. I see suffering in old age with all it’s infirmities, And for what reason must all this be? I ask God for the answer and none is yet to be found. The cause, as the expert surmise, is for two reasons, one the free will of man, be it for good or evil and the other from the constant laws of nature, as in in birth, growth and decay with time and chance at play. I don’t question the the system and I how it works. I understand it completely. The larger question for me is what purpose does it serve? In the aeon of time this echo has never been tendered. C.S. Lewis summed nicely when he said “God speaks to our conscience, whispers in our pleasure and shouts in our pain.”
The UX Collective donates US$1 for each article published in our platform. This story contributed to Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.

Now, things have taken a turn. It was a set up. This is serious. He’s joking. But this ain’t no joke. Dave Chappelle is wearing a suit, man. This is the same man that back in June released the 27 minute show, 8:46, a conversation on the sickness surrounding the death of George Floyd. There may have been a joke in there but it wasn’t funny. This is that but structured in a more palpable way for those who came to Chappelle for laughter.

With any luck, both sets of extremists will silo up in their echo chambers and let the rest of us return the offline world to a place of winsome, respectful, highly-productive civil discourse.

For larger teams with collaboration-minded engineering partners, but who face low UX maturity, a pattern library is a logical next step towards accelerating work without the challenge of getting buy-in from on high. Such teams can still work on defining their principles, but may encounter challenges with maintaining their burgeoning system, getting buy-in to build consistent experiences, or wrangling external designers into designing in their “voice”.

Let’s assign everyone a value of 1.5. A network of 2 people is worth 2.25 (1.5 x 1.5). A network of 3 people isn’t worth 3 — it’s worth 3.375. Facebook’s network of two billion is worth $750,000,000,000.

“This great truth is highly revelatory from every angle. It splits the primal unity of being into the operational dichotomy and arrays the two powers against each other in every area of manifestation. Therefore existence rests upon, springs from and is sustained by the principle of polarity.”

Lean into their fastest-growing demographic: senior citizens. It’s not sexy, but heck, have you seen what Viagra commercials sell for? Obviously, there is nothing wrong with catering to Baby Boomers, but our youth-obsessed society will no longer see them as the leading platform if they do.Invest a metric ton of cash in trying to convince the next generation that Facebook’s still the cool kid on the block, despite their aging platform and serious privacy concerns.It’s we, the collective users, are what gives Facebook 100% of its value. The reality is that when my eight closest friends quit Facebook or switch platforms, I’ll never log in again.

Don’t even wanna wear your mask ’cause it’s oppressive. Try wearing the mask I been wearing all these years. I can’t even tell something true…unless it has a punchline behind it.

Now freshman, that segue from above, it continues. Yeah, that part about stimulus checks and all that — that was an aside. These are important notes. You can do this in your five minute set and kill. I promise you. But it was an aside. Because he goes back to the segue:

No, it’s not. While Facebook isn’t going away anytime soon — it still has over two billion daily active users — if Myspace taught us anything, it’s that when the world’s biggest social media site collapses, it effectively does so overnight.

Within the theory of duality and the parameter set forth, it plays into Darwin theory of natural selection and also fits in Einstein theory of relativity with his description about the relationship between matter and energy.That segue, the mask, is a bridge between the humor and the seriousness and it will have a pay off. This ain’t for freshman, strictly live men. But take heed to these lessons. Like I said, I’m no expert…but I damn sure am a student. — -Note: All above is a reflection of the “Inter World” Beyond faith we know not much of the the “Outer World” or afterlife. In the long history of mankind and at the level of our consciousness we tried in so many ways to bring these two worlds together. (Religion, Philosophy and Science) — For those unfamiliar with Metcalfe’s Law, the theory posits that “the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users. As the physical cost of the network grows linearly, its value grows exponentially.”Code aesthetic, in this sense, is not something developers are used to caring about. We have more important worries. Aesthetics are subjective, hard to measure and the benefits of chasing it are unclear. It is not often you’ll see a developer raising their hand and the midst of a Stand-up meeting to tell their peers they’re not pleased with how the code looks on their screen. And I’m not sure someone should, but I’m coming from a different perspective.

